The First Basilica in Kansas and the
78th in the United States.
On-Line Donation Page
Donations made on this page will go towards funds established with THE BASILICA OF ST. FIDELIS in Victoria, Kansas.
Donations will be processed via PayPal. You do not have to have a PayPal account to make a donation.
Clicking on any ADD TO CART button will open a new tab for the PayPal site.
SELECT THE "Check Out" Pay without a PayPal account BUTTON ON THE PAYPAL SCREEN.
To return to this page, click on the DONATE|ST FIDELIS CHURCH tab at the top of your browser screen
or the BACK button on your phone.
If you need assistance with making a donation using this page or have other questions,
please call the St. Fidelis Parish Office at 785-735-2777.
If you want a yearly donation report, please include your address with your donation.
St. Fidelis General Fund
Donate towards the general upkeep of The Basilica of St. Fidelis parish and church buildings
If you want a yearly donation report, please include your address with your donation.
St. Fidelis Repair Fund
Donate towards The Basilica of St. Fidelis Repair Fund
If you want a yearly donation report, please include your address with your donation.
St. Fidelis Cemetery
Donate towards the upkeep of St. Fidelis Cemetery
If you want a yearly donation report, please include your address with your donation.
St. Fidelis Food Bank
Donate towards purchasing items for the St. Fidelis Food Bank
If you want a yearly donation report, please include your address with your donation.
St. Fidelis Community Assistance Fund
Donate towards items such as Christmas Food Boxes, school supplies, gas vouchers, utility assistance
If you want a yearly donation report, please include your address with your donation.